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The container platform must be built from verified packages.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-233064 SRG-APP-000131-CTR-000280 SV-233064r981843_rule Medium
It is important to patch and upgrade the container platform when patches and upgrades are available. More important is to get these patches and upgrades from a known source. To validate the authenticity of any patches and upgrades before installation, the container platform must check that the files are digitally signed by sources approved by the organization.
Container Platform Security Requirements Guide 2024-05-28


Check Text ( C-36000r981842_chk )
Review the container platform configuration to verify it has been built from packages that are digitally signed by known and approved sources.

If the container platform was built from packages that are not digitally signed or are from unknown or nonapproved sources, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-35968r600680_fix)
Rebuild the container platform from verified packages that are digitally signed by known and approved sources.